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Evidence of Serb terror at Çitak village of Drenica

Prishtina, 21 May (KIC)
The Serbian forces launched May 17 an artillery attack against the Çitak village of Skenderaj. Following the shelling, Serb forces moved into the village and killed in front of their homes Rifat Hasan Çitaku (b. 1940) and Muhamet Shaban Çitaku (b. 1969).

On May 18, Serb forces renewed shelling of the Çitak village with multiple rocket-launchers. A Serb military helicopter backed up the operation. Eight houses were targeted incessantly. Following several hours of shelling, Serb forces moved into the village conducting a house-to-house search in order to 'clean-out' the area. Special Serb police forces killed a 95-year-old woman, Ajmane Çitaku, in her yard. A witness who was into hiding at the time of the attack, told LDK sources in Skenderaj, "before the policeman shot at the old woman, he had told his colleague: 'Let's kill her and add another to our list'". During this attack, the Serb forces killed also the 67-year-old man Ramadan Loshi, and wounded Hysen Çitaku (55) and Mahir Loshi (17).

The houses which had not caught fire during the shelling, were later set on fire by Serb forces.

The Serbs have a system in their dirty war against Albanians. They want to destroy everything so the people would not have a place to return to.

They set the barns in fire and killed farm animals.

These pictures from Çitak show part of the Serb forces' horror conducted all over Kosova on a daily basis.

Photos from Agron Mali. 
The inside of a house after the Serb forces' raid, burned the next day. The home of Xhemë Çitaku The home of Sadik Çitaku
The home of Hajzer Çitaku The home of Gani Çitaku The home of Halit Çitaku
The barn in Kadri Çitaku's farmstead. Inside there are two killed cows. A deserted road in the village of Çitak. There is no movement out of fear from professional Serb snipers who control the area. The home of Beqir Çitaku. Police seized two vans from the owner.
The home of Naser Çitaku Ajmane Çitaku, (aged 95), shot and killed deliberately in front of her home. The home of Xhavit Çitaku